Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas

snow laden tree
moon laden sky
silent laden night

May the true meaning of this season stay in your heart all year long and bring you joy.

Margaret Rose.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

New Releases at Guardian Angel Publishing

I'm tickled to see First Spring appear on this page. Check out the new books - there's something for every child at Guardian Angels. We spent an hour autographing print copies last night. What fun. They'll make great Christmas gifts for children and keepsakes for friends and family.

Thanks for your support and Merry Christmas!

Until the next time.
Margaret Rose

Thursday, December 9, 2010

First Spring Arrives!

Christmas came early when the print copies of First Spring showed up yesterday afternoon. We were both so excited to open the box and Dylan read the story to me. What a mom moment that was! Whew! I get teary-eyed just thinking about it. He can't wait to dive into the autographs. We autographed a book for each other as keepsakes. Anyway, sharing a few pictures of our big day and looking forward to the next one.

Until the next time.
Margaret Rose

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Happy Holidays!

I'm so excited that First Spring is available to order! Click here to see the details at Guardian Angels Publishing. I've got print copies on order and Dylan can hardly wait to autograph them for friends and family. It's really fun watching his excitement grow.

Over Thanksgiving, we made our annual trek to the northern part of the state to make Christmas wreathes. A friend of ours at the local gun club lets Dylan drive his 4-wheeler around the property all year round to do various chores and help out. To thank Scott, Dylan made this wreath. Yes, those are real pheasant feathers - I plucked them myself. The wreath is made of princess pine. It has no scent and doesn't shed. Many people ask us to sell them but they are so labor intensive we couldn't possibly do it. So, 30 lucky friends and family get one each year. Here are a few other pictures to inspire your holiday! I'm decorating the tree (while I watch Tiger Woods play golf - always have to multi-task!). We received about 6" of powder snow last night and I hope to get out for a walk, too.

The wreath to the left is my favorite. Those are gum drop cones sprayed gold encircled by tufts of pheasant feathers. I gave that wreath to a friend who does my layouts and photography. The purple beaded wreath is on my door. Very un-traditional.

I hope you have a fantastic weekend. And thanks in advance for checking out First Spring. I hope you find it is a great gift for a special child in your life.

Until the next time,
Margaret Rose

Monday, November 22, 2010

Meet Dylan!

I thought it might be fun to meet the boy in First Spring. Although he's not little any more, he's a great kid and so, please say hello to my son, Dylan.

MARGARET: What do you think of having a book written and published for you?

DYLAN: When heard that First Spring was going to be published, I thought it was cool because that doesn't happen to many people. I got really excited when I saw the pictures Marina drew. Having a mom as an author is cool, too.

MARGARET: Thank you, Dylan. Do you have a favorite picture in the book?

DYLAN: *laughs* The airplane, but mostly all of them!

MARGARET: Now that the book is coming out, how does that make you feel?

DYLAN: I can brag to other people because I have a book out. And this is way better than just being in the dedication, like my aunt is in another book. *laughs* I'm practicing a cool signature so I can co-autograph the books with my mom and I think it's going to be a lot of fun when the books come.

MARGARET: This book is written about a northern child. What do you think of the four seasons?

DYLAN: It's a good experience to live in the north because you get to have snow. It's not whipped cream! People from the south aren't prepared to enjoy winter at all. I like fall and winter the best.

MARGARET: What things do you like to do?

DYLAN: I like going grouse and deer hunting with my dad. We spend hours together in the deer blind. I'm a First Class Boy Scout and about half way to becoming an Eagle Scout. I like camping and the outdoors so scouting is a lot of fun. I have lots of camping gear and always want a new sleeping bag or tent. I've become good friends with some of the older scouts that I look up to. Some of the work I'm doing with my mom on First Spring will help me earn my communications merit badge. I also like engines and anything on wheels. One day I want to buy a 4-wheeler. I mow lawns in the summer to earn some spending money and mow the skeet fields at the gun club as my volunteer project. I also run the sound board at church.

Thanks to Marina Movshina for doing such a good job on the illustrations. Marina, will you come and blog with us next so we can get to know you better?

I hope you like the book – you made a good choice. Thank you.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Margaret Rose and Dylan

Friday, October 29, 2010

Fresh New Blog

Welcome to my new blog. It's probably no surprise that I find the written word precious. I've journaled for my children since before they were born. I always inscribe each journal before I write the first entry.My handwriting can be scribbly at times or really legible, but like the words on the page, the handwriting is part of the legacy.  It takes me several years to fill a book, and when they are full, I store them in a safe. 

Today I'm creating a different legacy. I can't say where it'll lead or what is next. I wrote First Spring for my youngest son. On a whim I decided to submit it for publication ten years later and luckily, Guardian Angels Publishing offered me a contract. Dylan is looking forward to his chance to co-autograph print copies with me. I know it's going to be a memorable journey for both of us.

Thank you for sharing it with me. I look forward to getting to know you better. Please introduce yourself and tell me what you love about the written word.

Margaret Rose